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Light falling from the sky

By Ivarr Dintras & Alexander Hansen


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"Lucifer the Light Fallen from Heaven" invites you to delve into hidden mysteries and challenge established beliefs to reveal a truth long concealed.

"Delve into the heart of ancient mysteries with "Lucifer, the Light Fallen from Heaven". The author explores the links between Lucifer, Baphomet and Jesus, offering a fresh perspective for your transformation. Beyond prejudice, discover that Lucifer's teachings go beyond traditional duality. Challenging dogma in a world frozen in belief, this book also emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge and the cosmos, offering intriguing insights into divinity through the Gospel of Thomas as well as revelations of a long-hidden truth. "Lucifer, the Light Fallen from Heaven" not only offers a reflection on faith and salvation, it calls you to embrace your inner divinity, accept inherent ambivalence and help forge a world of harmony. Exploring the complex links between Lucifer, Baphomet and Jesus, the author launches you on a fiery quest for transformation by challenging established beliefs."



Ivarr Dintras & Alexander Hansen








Black & White



Publication date



Religion and spirituality > Philosophy

About the authors

Capture d’écran 2022-09-25 à 11_edited.j

Ivarr Dintras

My meeting with Tyrenis,  Our first conversation took place in the summer of 2022. I must admit that at the beginning, I often took him for a madman. Then as we talked, I began to understand a lot of things. He arrived at a time in my life when everything was blurred, he knew how to put his finger on certain sensitive points, and that's when the work began. Little by little, the chains fell off. Thanks to him, I now understand what is inside me and little by little I let him in, because this is nothing else than my deepest self. He became my brother, he helped me to live the worst moment of my life, the loss of a parent. Today, following his help and advice, I am able to manage my emotions better and I evolve with lightness, I feel free and calm. All the work that we have accomplished, has also allowed me to find my other half. - You can go to him in all confidence, he is of a great wisdom and a great interior generosity. Again a big thank you my brother.

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Capture d’écran 2022-09-25 à 11_edited.j

Alexander Hansen

My meeting with Tyrenis,  Our first conversation took place in the summer of 2022. I must admit that at the beginning, I often took him for a madman. Then as we talked, I began to understand a lot of things. He arrived at a time in my life when everything was blurred, he knew how to put his finger on certain sensitive points, and that's when the work began. Little by little, the chains fell off. Thanks to him, I now understand what is inside me and little by little I let him in, because this is nothing else than my deepest self. He became my brother, he helped me to live the worst moment of my life, the loss of a parent. Today, following his help and advice, I am able to manage my emotions better and I evolve with lightness, I feel free and calm. All the work that we have accomplished, has also allowed me to find my other half. - You can go to him in all confidence, he is of a great wisdom and a great interior generosity. Again a big thank you my brother.

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