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Northern Shaman

Spirituality and Nordic shamanism

While providing an equally comprehensive look at the fascinating Viking religion, which includes Norse mythology.

You'll learn about a shaman and a volva, these ancient Viking shamans and sorcerers, their view of fate, their vision of the afterlife, their moral code, how they practice their spirituality, the role magic plays in their lives, and much more.

Northern Shaman, a book that brings ancient knowledge and rituals from the memories of a Berserker shaman and a Volva, but also the fruit of their research.

It is the ultimate introduction to the timeless splendors of Nordic mythology and religion for the 21st century.

In this book you will be guided to the shamanism of the ancient Nordic peoples. Together they will provide you with valuable teachings and accompany you on the path to your own awakening.


Alexander Hansen’s
Author story

Alexander work with The Northern shaman book is centered on the concept of a truly holistic spiritual practice, one in which each person who discovers his work can truly find themselves.

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Author Story

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